
You left me all alone

In this darkness , 

With sounds of the stones

Breaking into pieces , 

I’m left all alone 

In this darkness 

That led me nowhere else,

But in this void of missing you .

/fear of voids or empty spaces /

(illustration by unkown ) 

17 thoughts on “Kenophobia

      1. The pleasure is ours, shared. Pleasure doesn’t just double when shared. It expands exponentially. For 2 is a lot more than 1 and 1 and yet our uniqueness as 1 each our own is what gives 2 all its power. Isn’t life a wonderful mystery? I’m so glad i met you.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hahaha indeed , with wonderful mystery their are always great challenges ! Sending you best vibes on your way . . .😊


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